TISSS Lab Spring School “Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Society”
JGU, 7-11 April 2025, SoSe 2025
Instructors: Prof. Dr. Petra Ahrweiler; Blanca Luque Capellas M.A., Dr. Martin Neumann
Language of instruction: English
The Spring School explores the triad of “AI, Simulation, Society” for two highly relevant and highly sensitive Innovation Areas: (1) AI use in assessing potential beneficiaries for public social services, and (2) AI use to mitigate climate crisis risks in natural disaster response. In both areas, the course deals with sociological aspects of AI futures and our ability to shape, test, and prototype potential techno-futures by sociological methods such as serious games in participatory social research and social simulation. See full description here.
This course is open to exchange students (of all subjects). To register, please contact the Sociology Office (studienbuero.soziologie@uni-mainz.de). Up to 30 students will be accepted.